Cattle are especially important animals in the agricultural industry as they are essential for milk, meat, and dairy products. But to protect such big animals, appropriate housing is necessary. Construction of appropriate cattle sheds is one of the important aspects of carrying out proper livestock farming. We will discover some of the key factors of cattle sheds even though they are fundamental aspects of livestock farming. If you are looking to add cattle shed to your property in Kenmare, ND call us at Frueh to manage this project for you (701) 693-5765.
Size is Important
In the first place, cattle sheds must contain enough space to accommodate the movement of the cattle, graze the cattle and space for the cattle to lie down. Stocker space requirements vary with the number and breed of cattle, but close-floor space estimates require at least 10 m2 per adult cow. That will allow them a little movement, they can interact with other cows and, all at the same time, show them their natural instincts. Enough space should be left in the shed to conveniently accommodate the cattle and other facilities such as feeding and watering equipment and conveniently allow farmers to easily access the facility to clean the shed as often as possible.
Cattle Shed Security

Cattle must feel comfortable and secure in the environment in which they are placed. Shedding fur and urine or droppings of the animals requires that the floor of the shed be slippery and easy to clean. Rubber mats or concrete floors are quite appropriate as they provide adequate standing friction and shock absorbance to prevent commonly encountered injuries such as slip and fall as well as cases of people falling on the floor. Ventilation is also an important requirement because cattle are warm, moisture producers by digestion. This will reduce the number of respiratory illnesses [and heat stress) because of proper circulation of air. Cattle sheds should also be designed to shield them from extreme weather factors. But of course, there are some effects of light and heat such as intense light or UV intensity that can also make cattle skin sensitive and lead to burns. There ought to be some kind of shade, either permanent structures such as roofs among others or temporary structures such as umbrellas, among others.
On the other hand, excess cold can be managed by use of insulation such as hay or straw used on bedding and hot water. The roof and walls shall be covered with some waterproof material to ensure that rain or even snow and wind cannot go on the roof or the walls and make it a home for the cattle and their properties to live in without getting wet.
Ideally, any cattle shed design should comprise of specific zones for definite tasks among the cows. For example, there should be different feeding spaces where the animals can easily feed on stock feeds and drinking water. It is here that the area should be made to have as little wastage as possible, especially on feeds given to livestock. Enough sleeping area provided with excellent quality bedding will help cattle to rest comfortably and keep them in good health.
A proper drainage of waste should be provided in the cattle shed and a way of taking away waste from the shed also needs to be properly done. As the shed will contain animals, the natural waste production that will be generated should have minimum odor and fly problem; therefore, proper waste management should be provided for. This will help to keep the cattle hygienic by preventing diseases, a good drainage system and cleaning will help to maximize well-being.
Cattle Shed Specialists
The planning of cattle sheds is then all about comfort, safety, and the health of the animals. By properly constructing and maintaining the shed the life of the animals will be enhanced and as a result productivity on the farm improved and general management of the farm enhanced as well. Use of proper time and effort to produce the most appropriate cattle shed will go a long way in determining the success of the livestock farming business. If you are in Kenmare, ND contact us at Frueh to get cattle shed built on your property. Our office number is (701) 693-5765.