Post Frame Building – Fessenden, ND

Post Frame Building1

Just short of having a steel building the next best is a post frame building. If you are looking at having another building added to your property, then a post frame building is an excellent choice. For those in Fessenden, ND, Frueh Construction is the company to call. You can reach our customer service team by dialing (701) 693-5765, they will get you connected with the best team for what you are looking for.

It is always About Location

You have heard location is everything, that is the truth. If you have a building in the wrong location, you can have issues such as flooding. Finding the best location for a new building can be a little difficult if you are not sure what you are looking for. However, with a team of experts you can get the best location and the right focus to get what you want and need.

The Construction

Post Frame Building

The construction of this building can be quite simple. Though there are things that are required before we can start the construction itself. The first is creating the blueprint, this is vital as we will have to take it to the building authority to have it approved and get the correct permits. This ensures that your money will not be wasted on a building that you will be forced to tear down. Once these have been cleared, we can then break ground. The first part of this, the foundation, must be set at a specific level and poured with the proper cement mixture. As it gets close to set, we will then add the posts, this is where the name comes from. Afterwards, we can then add the rest of the structural elements to your new building. Then comes the roof and the outer walls. These will ensure that when it is time for electric and plumbing to go in, they will not have issues with rain getting inside. After the electric and plumbing are in, insulation can go in. Then comes the inner walls and last are the final touches such as windows, doors, and paint.

Contact Us

Adding a new building has its own stresses, there is no reason for panicking about finding the right company if you are in Fessenden, ND. Frueh Construction can handle the construction of a post frame building for you. Contact us by dialing (701) 693-5765.